Thursday, October 20, 2011

Holy Spirit Time :)

What to say…ummm… well let’s start with last week in Massai land. I forgot to mention that I was given the opportunity to preach for the DTS. I spoke about love and unity.  You can’t have one without the other.  I was told that it was powerful and I felt like God really spoke to hearts including my own. 

By the way please be praying for rain in Massai land.  They need it really bad. The base has a shortage of water right now.

They have built a primary and secondary school so that in the starting of the New Year kids will be able to attend school without walking all day to get there, if I understand right.  This is where I will hopefully be teaching in Feb.  That is another thing to keep in your prayers.  I need favor so that when I speak to the main leaders, I will be granted to ability to teach.  I want to pray about it for a little longer before I approach them so please be keeping me in your prayers in that regard J

This week in the DTS the teacher was speaking on the Holy Spirit. So good! I feel like I have a better understanding of who the Holy Spirit is not just the gifts of the Holy Spirit.  He is my best friend right now, sometimes I feel like my only friend. He keeps reminding me of the vision I had almost 5 years ago. I was walking down this path with Him and we came across a field and He said “here you go” with His arms reaching across this beautiful stretch of land. So I ran out and was having a ball, I look up to see Him smiling but still standing on the path.  I cried out “come on!”  But He said “no, I have to go this way, but you can stay here.”  To that I ran back to the road and said “I’m not going anywhere if you’re not there.” So we started walking and suddenly there was lightning and everything became dark. I became terrified and sorrowful and hid my face in His cloak as we kept on walking. Finally we reached a big mountain and He said “turn around.”  As I turned I saw a sea of all kinds of people.  He said with a smile “they were following you, and you have now lead them here to the mountain of God.”

I say this to encourage those reading that the hardships are worth it, keep going. I also right this to remind myself of that same message. It is hard and I feel like quitting sometimes but it is worth it and everything will be ok. I’m walking with the Holy Spirit and my head is under His cloak.

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