Thursday, May 26, 2011

More Lord, More!

Today is my last day as a nanny.  I have the great privilege of taking care of three beautiful children the ages of 1, 3, and 5.  Before the three yr old had his birthday he made the decision to follow Jesus.  It was an amazing thing!!! I could see a difference in him right away.  He started asking me to read the Bible more and was excited when I talked about Jesus.  Right after I prayed with him I saw this tunnel of light being absorbed in to his face.  For a moment in time it looked like I was looking in to the face of Jesus.  He had such a huge smile of his face, and not a normal smile it was indescribable and amazing. Since then I have been teaching him more of who God is and how to pray and love.  Just yesterday I was teaching him how to share God's love with others and lead his friends to Jesus.  

Seeing as how today is my last day I was praying a lot for the Lord to lead me to teach theses children what He wants, as well as to help me be selfless and love like I have never before. As I was cleaning the kitchen God gave me this story to tell them about a toy maker whose toys come alive.  The end of the story talks about how much the toy maker loved his toys so when he found out that one was missing he left all the other ones just to find the lost toy.  The toy maker ends up saving the toy right before he falls out of a tree.  I was able to explain God's love to the five year old for the fifth time and once again asked if he wanted to invite Jesus to come live with him?  He said yes!!!  I have asked him so many times and finally after a lot of tears and many prayers he said yes!  I had the 3 yr old lead his big brother in a prayer and now they both are loving Jesus and living for Him.

Now my prayer is that God would raise someone else up to continue to train him in the ways of God. God is so faithful and loving!!!!!  I can't wait to see this happen in Africa too! :)

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