Thursday, October 20, 2011

Holy Spirit Time :)

What to say…ummm… well let’s start with last week in Massai land. I forgot to mention that I was given the opportunity to preach for the DTS. I spoke about love and unity.  You can’t have one without the other.  I was told that it was powerful and I felt like God really spoke to hearts including my own. 

By the way please be praying for rain in Massai land.  They need it really bad. The base has a shortage of water right now.

They have built a primary and secondary school so that in the starting of the New Year kids will be able to attend school without walking all day to get there, if I understand right.  This is where I will hopefully be teaching in Feb.  That is another thing to keep in your prayers.  I need favor so that when I speak to the main leaders, I will be granted to ability to teach.  I want to pray about it for a little longer before I approach them so please be keeping me in your prayers in that regard J

This week in the DTS the teacher was speaking on the Holy Spirit. So good! I feel like I have a better understanding of who the Holy Spirit is not just the gifts of the Holy Spirit.  He is my best friend right now, sometimes I feel like my only friend. He keeps reminding me of the vision I had almost 5 years ago. I was walking down this path with Him and we came across a field and He said “here you go” with His arms reaching across this beautiful stretch of land. So I ran out and was having a ball, I look up to see Him smiling but still standing on the path.  I cried out “come on!”  But He said “no, I have to go this way, but you can stay here.”  To that I ran back to the road and said “I’m not going anywhere if you’re not there.” So we started walking and suddenly there was lightning and everything became dark. I became terrified and sorrowful and hid my face in His cloak as we kept on walking. Finally we reached a big mountain and He said “turn around.”  As I turned I saw a sea of all kinds of people.  He said with a smile “they were following you, and you have now lead them here to the mountain of God.”

I say this to encourage those reading that the hardships are worth it, keep going. I also right this to remind myself of that same message. It is hard and I feel like quitting sometimes but it is worth it and everything will be ok. I’m walking with the Holy Spirit and my head is under His cloak.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Back from Masai Land :)

Thank you everyone who prayed for me!!!!!  When I was in Massai Land I made a friend :) she was trying to teach me how to say "my friend" in Massai, Rafiki Yango in Swahili, but I couldn't figure it out. it was to much in the back of my throughout.  She spoke a little Swahili so we were able to have small conversations.  At the end she gave me one of her bracelets as a sign of our friendship :) It was really encouraging to make a friend even though I wasn't able to speak her language.  God's love is universal.
Later in the week Kylie, me, and all the other westerners were able to share our culture with the DTS by teaching some worship songs.  It was nice to be able to all worship together with songs I'm use to.  It was a huge blessing to see them learn the songs and worship God with me :)
I was also able to see the girl I sponsor (Frida) and I meat her mom for the first time.  I asked her mom to encourage Frida to go to school instead of staying with the cattle.  She informed me that her desire is to see her go to school and make a life for herself. This was also very encouraging!!!  Another person I was able to see was Coco :) Coco means grandmother in Masai.  Last time I came here I meat a lady who became my sister's Coco and she told me that she was my Coco as well. It was great seeing her and dancing with her :) Kristen if you are reading this she also says Hi to you and she loves you!
Unfortunately I had a hard time breathing and felt weak a lot of the time.  I didn't let that take away from what God was going to do though.  God is good and He took control.  Please continue to pray about my health that God will protect me.  Also be praying for peace and joy.  I have been missing home, family, my church family, worshiping with my church family and such.  I know God is good and He will come through, but please keep these things in your prayers! :)  
Thank you again!!!! I love you all so much!