Thursday, February 27, 2014

What is Mine is Yours, and What is Yours is Mine

She hears laughter; eruptions of filthy shouts of glee. Fun for a little while? Yes. But then what she saw as innocent fun quickly became a branded scar- a heavy weight never to be let go. Layer after layer of dark despair now rests delicately upon her soul. Shame, guilt and regret haunt her. They’ve become her daily companions; her demons that taunt her and refuse to loosen their grip.

“But It wasn’t my fault!” she cries out now in a plea of desperation. “I didn’t know, I didn’t know….I didn’t…know...” Her plea slowly softens to a whisper, held quiet by the strain in her throat and the pain of holding back the tears.


 His voice thunders and vibrations surge through her. Slightly leaning her head, she peers through the mist of tears, only to see Holy. Upon seeing His face she sobs bitterly in her realization, that the unspeakable sin committed against her doesn’t pardon her acts of sin, the participation in “innocent” fun. Guilty, guilty, guilty. She lets out a gut reaching cry of regret.

A glimmer of hope breaks through the thick darkness.

Holy Love stands. He reaches forth with tender mercy. He drinks of every tear, He drinks of her judgment. “What is yours is mine, and what is mine is yours.”

Eternal damnation spared, shame and guilt along with it. The sins against her are no more. Her sins forever erased. No more pain, sorrow, regret, and filth.

Now encompassing her flowing with radiant beauty: garments of freedom, garments of holiness, garments of righteousness. A royal wedding is ushered in with a celebration of His beautiful voice singing, “What is mine is yours, and what is yours is mine.”

Praise the Lord, who is worthy to be praised. Glory be to His name. The one who stands in Holiness and restores His bride to Himself. Praise the Lord, who is worthy to be praised. Glory be to His name!