Sunday, September 21, 2014

Joy In Suffering

My friends I want to share with you the great joy my Heavenly Father has graciously bestowed upon me. I desire to share my heart with you so that God may graciously impart the same joy and hope with in you. This joy and hope does not come from the things that you can see with your eyes, but rather things you can only see in the Spirit. This joy and hope I’m speaking of is found in the person of Jesus Christ.

I’ve been a Christian practically my whole life. I’ve loved Jesus through this journey, yet each time He brings me to a deeper level of Himself I’m challenged in thinking did I really love Him? I ask myself this not because I believe I’m a heathen heading towards hell, but because this new found joy, love, and freedom makes my past love for Him look like a lukewarm pale gray. He is so good and faithful to start and finish the faith within us. He is so faithful to bring us from glory to glory—there is no end, only an eternal loving Father.

I’m not sure how to articulate all that is within me. I feel like the bride to be after her engagement—so overwhelmed words cannot express, but I’ll try.  “I want to know Christ and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in His sufferings, becoming like Him in His death” Philippians 3:10. “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God” Hebrews 12:2. “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me” Galatians 2:20.

My friends I have such joy and excitement in picking up my cross. What a privilege it is to bear the name of Jesus, what an honor. In the past I have chosen to die to myself and pick up my cross, but it wasn’t out of joy or powered by the Spirit. I did this foolishly the only way I knew how. By mustering up some kind of faith and choosing to do something with fear, timidity, uncertainty, and concern, all of which are not from God. Because it wasn’t out of a position of humility and love with my eyes stubbornly fixed on Jesus, and because I wasn’t truly allowing Jesus to be Lord in all areas of my life (although I thought I was), I wasn’t able to truly die to myself and pick up my cross. Instead, I was beaten and broken near death by condemnation and a twisted view of faith.

This time I have found the joy in experiencing a life upside down and backwards. I laugh with excitement in the thought of suffering for Christ. Not because I’m twisted or desire to experience pain, but because I see Christ. I see my Love. I see Jesus, and I’ve tasted something that in all my walk with the Lord I have never tasted before. My friends Jesus is Lord! No really, Jesus is Lord. He is Lord over my thoughts, words, actions, my heart, and my whole life. This great standard of Holiness—to be Holy as He is Holy— is unattainable on my own. It must be powered by the Holy Spirit, and that is why He gets all the glory. Do I mess up? Yes, don’t we all? But when I do, I repent and run violently towards Jesus and my loving Father.  

I know my sufferings are not the same as my brothers and sisters in this world, but whatever my future may hold, I know that I can rest in this hope and joy and certainty in Jesus. For I will not be distracted any more, but fix my eyes on my loving Jesus and allow Him to overflow my being.  

As a bride wears her wedding ring—a token of the covenant of marriage, so I wear a token of the covenant with my Lord in the form of a cross—my cross, as I fellowship with Him in His sufferings. What an Honor to bear the Name of Jesus, the one who takes away the sins of the world!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

What is Mine is Yours, and What is Yours is Mine

She hears laughter; eruptions of filthy shouts of glee. Fun for a little while? Yes. But then what she saw as innocent fun quickly became a branded scar- a heavy weight never to be let go. Layer after layer of dark despair now rests delicately upon her soul. Shame, guilt and regret haunt her. They’ve become her daily companions; her demons that taunt her and refuse to loosen their grip.

“But It wasn’t my fault!” she cries out now in a plea of desperation. “I didn’t know, I didn’t know….I didn’t…know...” Her plea slowly softens to a whisper, held quiet by the strain in her throat and the pain of holding back the tears.


 His voice thunders and vibrations surge through her. Slightly leaning her head, she peers through the mist of tears, only to see Holy. Upon seeing His face she sobs bitterly in her realization, that the unspeakable sin committed against her doesn’t pardon her acts of sin, the participation in “innocent” fun. Guilty, guilty, guilty. She lets out a gut reaching cry of regret.

A glimmer of hope breaks through the thick darkness.

Holy Love stands. He reaches forth with tender mercy. He drinks of every tear, He drinks of her judgment. “What is yours is mine, and what is mine is yours.”

Eternal damnation spared, shame and guilt along with it. The sins against her are no more. Her sins forever erased. No more pain, sorrow, regret, and filth.

Now encompassing her flowing with radiant beauty: garments of freedom, garments of holiness, garments of righteousness. A royal wedding is ushered in with a celebration of His beautiful voice singing, “What is mine is yours, and what is yours is mine.”

Praise the Lord, who is worthy to be praised. Glory be to His name. The one who stands in Holiness and restores His bride to Himself. Praise the Lord, who is worthy to be praised. Glory be to His name!